Events Calendar

UpComing this month
A Weekend Away in Shropshire
Friday 24 January 2025, 16:00
To Sunday 26 January 2025 This is the smaller bunkhouse opposite the one we stayed in last January.

Exact location link,299903&st=4&ar=y&mapp=map&searchp=ids&dn=569&ax=360905&ay=299903&lm=0

Location The Granary, Stoke Barn, Newtown House Farm, Much Wenlock, Shropshire TF13 6DB OS SO609999
Sleeps 16:-
Saturday Caterer #; Friday Club Caterer **; Friday Club *; Thursday Night = £; Sunday Night = $;
Sue; Judith #; Roger #; Reg; Julie; Steve; Jas; Janet; Debbie; Nigel; John D; Dave H; Lesley; 3 Place left